Emil Gamidov At ONYX Health Club 24/7 Niles Ohio with his family

ONYX Health Club 24/7 was a dream, manifested by its founder, Emil Gamidov. ONYX was founded back in 2016. Since then, we have grown 7 clubs strong, gained a community of amazing members, cultivated a truly judgment-free society, created corporate partnerships, we have even ventured into fitness competitions! It’s been an amazing ride so far. But how did this dream become a reality?

Emil Gamidov embarked on his fitness journey right out of high school actually! Starting as a salesman, Emil Gamidov was hired at a local Bally Total Fitness facility in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The plan was to work all summer at this part-time job, just to be able to save up enough money to fix his car. Emil Gamidov needed his car fixed so he could attend Cleveland State University in the Fall. This part-time job didn’t appear to be Emil Gamidov’s big break, but life is what you make it. You take the hand you are dealt and make the most of it. Since his car wasn’t fixed yet, Emil Gamidov would rollerblade to work. Prior to walking in, embarrassed, he would quickly toss the blades and hide them in the bushes.

Despite the challenges he had to overcome, he immediately stood out from his co-workers and was quickly promoted to the General Manager. He successfully turned around numerous Bally Total Fitness clubs in Northeast Ohio in the mid to late 2000s.

Emil Gamidov With His Beautiful Wife At An ONYX Health Club 24/7 Location Grand Opening

Prior to fully focusing on the dream of ONYX, Emil Gamidov kept grinding and operated numerous other successful ventures. Finally, in early 2018, he was able to shift his focus to his true passion, ONYX. As a result, ONYX Health Club 24/7 has grown at an exponential rate. Emil Gamidov attributes his innovations and the success of the ONYX franchise to the expert mentoring and upbringing that he received during his early career.

Emil Gamidov isn’t hands-off, he visits all of the clubs regularly, chats with members, and stays up to date on daily operations. Each club is tailored to fit the needs of the community it serves. Everything ONYX offers is custom-designed to fit your goals, your schedule, and your budget. Our mission is to help people achieve their greatest potential through fitness.

ONYX Health Club 24/7 came from humble beginnings, but we are so proud to grow with you and share our experience along the way.

ONYX Health Club 24/7 was a dream, manifested by its founder, Emil Gamidov. ONYX was founded back in 2016. Since then, we have grown 7 clubs strong, gained a community of amazing members, cultivated a truly judgment-free society, created corporate partnerships, we have even ventured into fitness competitions! It’s been an amazing ride so far. But how did this dream become a reality?

Emil Gamidov At ONYX Health Club 24/7 Niles Ohio with his family

Emil Gamidov embarked on his fitness journey right out of high school actually! Starting as a salesman, Emil Gamidov was hired at a local Bally Total Fitness facility in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The plan was to work all summer at this part-time job, just to be able to save up enough money to fix his car. Emil Gamidov needed his car fixed so he could attend Cleveland State University in the Fall. This part-time job didn’t appear to be Emil Gamidov’s big break, but life is what you make it. You take the hand you are dealt and make the most of it. Since his car wasn’t fixed yet, Emil Gamidov would rollerblade to work. Prior to walking in, embarrassed, he would quickly toss the blades and hide them in the bushes.

Despite the challenges he had to overcome, he immediately stood out from his co-workers and was quickly promoted to the General Manager. He successfully turned around numerous Bally Total Fitness clubs in Northeast Ohio in the mid to late 2000s.

Prior to fully focusing on the dream of ONYX, Emil Gamidov kept grinding and operated numerous other successful ventures. Finally, in early 2018, he was able to shift his focus to his true passion, ONYX. As a result, ONYX Health Club 24/7 has grown at an exponential rate. Emil Gamidov attributes his innovations and the success of the ONYX franchise to the expert mentoring and upbringing that he received during his early career.

Emil Gamidov With His Beautiful Wife At An ONYX Health Club 24/7 Location Grand Opening

Emil Gamidov isn’t hands-off, he visits all of the clubs regularly, chats with members, and stays up to date on daily operations. Each club is tailored to fit the needs of the community it serves. Everything ONYX offers is custom-designed to fit your goals, your schedule, and your budget. Our mission is to help people achieve their greatest potential through fitness.

ONYX Health Club 24/7 came from humble beginnings, but we are so proud to grow with you and share our experience along the way.

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Exciting News!
More Fun Stuff Coming Soon!
ONYX Twinsburg Grand Opening Event & VIP
Ralph Gracie Seminar!
Come join us on the big day & register for the seminar below.
Seminar tickets are $75 for the 1st 100 attendees and $100 for the next 100. Only 200 tickets available!
Twinsburg Grand Opening - January 10th (5-9pm)
Ralph Gracie Seminar - January 10th (6:30-8:30pm)

more than a gym

We Focus On

Fitness - Accountability - Nutrition

and our 24/7 gyms reflect this in our offerings

Wear Comfortable Clothes!

Whatever clothes you want to get sweaty is fine with us, seriously.

Drink Out Of Any Size Water Container!

We don't care what size container you drink out of, just stay hydrated!

Freedom of Expression!

Finally did it? Then celebrate! Going hard? Then let it out! There's no alerts here.

Personal Training

Each session is completely customized and tailored to your goals, your schedule, and your body.

Group Classes

Get gains and make friends in any of our numerous Group Classes.