We all have goals! But how do we accurately measure them?

We recommend setting fitness goals that give you measurable benchmarks to strive for during your workouts. It also helps provide a path for you to follow and the motivation to get there.

Especially if you create goals using the SMART strategy:

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable, Time-Bound

Experts in the American College of Sports Medicine’s Health & Fitness Journal say crafting your goals using SMART criteria will help you stay committed to them.

Our certified personal trainers know firsthand about this strategy. This methodology is prevalent in all of ONYX’s One-On-One Personal Training sessions for example.

Begin by asking yourself this question:

What is my motivation for setting fitness goals?

To help identify your ultimate fitness goals and begin to create your plan, the first question the ONYX team will ask is why you want to exercise. According to the ACSM, there are two types of possible answers:

Self- or other-imposed

“I don’t know.”
“Because I should.”
“Because others want me to.”
“To not feel bad about myself.”


“Because it’s important to me.”
“Because it fits who I am.”
“Because I enjoy it.”

Experts say the quality of your motivation greatly affects the outcome of your effort. People who respond with self- or other-imposed answers are less likely to reach their goals or make long-term fitness lifestyle changes than those who respond with self-chosen answers.

If your answer falls into the first category, discuss it with an ONYX Health Club 24/7 Personal Trainer. We can help you find a self-chosen SMART goal that is important to you.

SMART fitness goals

Let’s set up an example. Julie wants to improve her endurance to prepare for an upcoming family hike. Let’s breakdown our SMART goal below:

Specific: Decide exactly what you want to be able to do without difficulty, for Julie, it is hiking on a 5-mile trail.

Measurable: Short-term goals will help you reach the desired outcome and decipher whether or not your plan needs to be adjusted. Our team will help you plan those weekly goals, such as gradually increasing the treadmill incline to help you prepare for your hike.

Achievable: Your ultimate goal and process goals should be challenging, but not impossible to reach. Your fitness plan will be designed in the same way. If you haven’t worked out in a long time, your plan will start as a progression. It may also require you to do less familiar workouts (focused on strength training or flexibility) to put you in the best overall condition to achieve your goal. We walk before we run.

Reasonable: Our team will take your lifestyle and potential barriers into consideration when creating your plan with you. We do offer childcare at select ONYX locations, we are open 24/7 and provide nutrition advice as well. But if you can’t go to the gym on weekends, or have an off-hours work schedule, we can definitely find solutions to make sure you still get your workouts done. The most successful plan is the one you can stick to and works for your schedule

Time-Bound: Your short- and long-term goals should live on a timeline. In our example, Julie wants to be able to hike 5 miles for an upcoming family trip. That trip is 3 months away so our plan and progression will all fall within that time span.

Let us know your goals! Fill out the form below, we can go over your SMART goals together and set you up for success!

Claim Your Free Fitness Consultation Today

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ONYX Twinsburg Grand Opening Event & VIP
Ralph Gracie Seminar!
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Twinsburg Grand Opening - January 10th (5-9pm)
Ralph Gracie Seminar - January 10th (6:30-8:30pm)

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We don't care what size container you drink out of, just stay hydrated!

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