Fairview Park Ohio is Getting Upgraded!

ONYX Health Club 24/7 is proud to announce our expansion into the town many of you call home. We have partnered up with Rio Pro Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to offer you a fully loaded gym! Rio Pro will have a designated training section within the club and gym itself. Along with our 24/7 access, we want to provide complete convenience to our members. An inclusive gym with upscale amenities that is close to home. Check out space as we begin our renovations!

What can you expect? To start, this facility boasts a massive 8,000 square feet. There will be a turfed multifunction area, free weights, multiple squat racks, cardio equipment, pin-loaded equipment, private showers, lockers + more!

Will there be Personal Training? Yes! We will offer one-on-one personal training. Each training session is completely customized and tailored to your goals, your schedule, and your budget. Take the guesswork out of getting fit! Our Certified Personal Trainers help you develop a workout routine, advise you on healthier meal choices, and work with you to restore mind, body, and spirit. We want you to feel comfortable at all times, and we work with any past injuries or health concerns you may have to help you feel your best.

Will there be Group Training? Yes again! Working out alone or one-on-one isn't for everyone, and we get that. That's why we offer a variety of group training classes, available in four separate tiers so you can feel comfortable working out with people with the same experience and fitness level as you. Plus, working in a group can give you the extra push or motivation you need. Lead by one of our experienced Certified Personal Trainers, they will give you personalized attention while keeping the group active. We are proud to offer a variety of classes such as Spin, Circuit City, Zumba, Holy H.I.I.T, Yoga, Kettlebell Power, Kangoo Jumps + much more!



Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Rio Pro was established in 2009 and their goal is to take regular people and teach them the beautiful art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a safe, clean, and professional environment.


Is Rio Pro right for me? From the owners: Our school is for everyone that is looking to improve the overall quality of their lives. Rio Pro offers a diverse set of classes that fit everyone’s needs from professional fighters to stay-at-home moms. No previous experience? Haven’t stepped foot in a gym? No problem. We love beginners!! Over years of experience, we have developed a structured curriculum that fits individual goals by separating programs by experience levels. Whether you are a professional fighter or someone who has never even put on a gi or a glove, don’t be afraid, we have a program for you! Every minute inside our classes is planned to perfection to guarantee you perform at your best and achieve your goals. From the warm-up to the cool down, no minute is wasted as our world-class instructors push the pace of the class while still maintaining personal attention. Our attention to detail, when combined with our welcoming and positive environment, has allowed us to create more than a school, we have created a family.

ONYX, Rio Pro, both? Our partnership enables us to make special deals for our members who want in on the extra amenities. Feel free to try before committing. Our main goal is for you to find a healthy lifestyle that works for you. We are working diligently to have our facility ready for you in Spring 2020! The first 100 people to pre-register will get an extra FREE personal training session with our Fitness Director and other first access goodies! Enter your info below to reserve your spot and we will contact you within the next few weeks when we open our pre-enrollment center. We are looking forward to meeting you all and sharing this wonderful community together! Check back, as our construction progresses we will share pictures and updates! Welcome to the #ONYXsociety!

Pre-Register Today!

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Exciting News!
More Fun Stuff Coming Soon!
ONYX Twinsburg Grand Opening Event & VIP
Ralph Gracie Seminar!
Come join us on the big day & register for the seminar below.
Seminar tickets are $75 for the 1st 100 attendees and $100 for the next 100. Only 200 tickets available!
Twinsburg Grand Opening - January 10th (5-9pm)
Ralph Gracie Seminar - January 10th (6:30-8:30pm)

more than a gym

We Focus On

Fitness - Accountability - Nutrition

and our 24/7 gyms reflect this in our offerings

Wear Comfortable Clothes!

Whatever clothes you want to get sweaty is fine with us, seriously.

Drink Out Of Any Size Water Container!

We don't care what size container you drink out of, just stay hydrated!

Freedom of Expression!

Finally did it? Then celebrate! Going hard? Then let it out! There's no alerts here.

Personal Training

Each session is completely customized and tailored to your goals, your schedule, and your body.

Group Classes

Get gains and make friends in any of our numerous Group Classes.