ONYX Health Club 24/7 offers a combined class that incorporates Vinyasa Yoga and Yin Yoga, hence the name Vin Yin Yoga. ONYX group class instructors will typically take you through the Vinyasa curriculum in the beginning and end you with Yin Yoga in the end. The reason for this positioning of the Yoga classes is because Vinyasa gets your body ready & rids you of any extra stored energy. Yin Yoga is more of a relaxing yoga class and your body will be warmed up and ready. During the Yin Yoga group class, you will be holding poses on average of anywhere from 3-5 minutes on average. These hold poses will increase your flexibility and help target deep connective tissue (among many other things).
The Benefits of ONYX’s Vin Yin Yoga Group Class
Whatever clothes you want to get sweaty is fine with us, seriously.
We don't care what size container you drink out of, just stay hydrated!
Finally did it? Then celebrate! Going hard? Then let it out! There's no alerts here.
Each session is completely customized and tailored to your goals, your schedule, and your body.
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